Jianzhong Oliveira


Jianzhong Oliveira, Zizhi Wang, Shuzi Wang, Xuehua Zhang, Qun Yang, Xiong Li, Jieshan Zhou, Xiong Tian, Xiang Zhang and Guiyun Yang, Polyphenol-enriched soybean has high expression of lipid peroxidation-degrading enzyme in the lysosome-DNA complex and reduced inflammation associated with tumor suppression, Scientific Reports, 6, 1,.

Bhavesh Babu, Chantal Guijarro, Marjorie Boudreau, Laurent Bonnal, Patrick M. Chassin, Catherine Duclotte, Vincent L. R. St. Etienne, Nathalie M. B. Duperron, Léo Guillemin, Jean-Philippe Rouleau and Marie-Christine Hautelot, Maternal exposure to phytoestrogens in early childhood has adverse effects on the infant brain in mice, American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology, 295, 2, (R631),.

Larissa E. K. E. J. W. A. Poulsen, Anne M. de la Vigne, Peter B. van der Veen, Markeleme N. A. K. E. J. W. A. Poulsen, Jan C. M. Meijer, Peter Huygens, Wouter W.H. Groenewoele, Aart J.H.M. Visser, Dirk H. M. W. A. Poulsen, Henk H. Buitelaar, Wim W. P. J. W. A. Poulsen, Wim M. A. Poulsen, Wim C. M. De Koninge, Maans P. J. J. van den Elzen, Johan L. J. Oostenveld and Philip H. B. de Vries, Polymorphism of the human epidermal growth factor receptor gene is associated with adult acne susceptibility in Dutch, European Journal of Endocrinology, 169, 12, (1365),.

Dennis Kwan and Peter W. Sønderskov, Polyphenols and their effects on the health of humans and animals, International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 102, (14),.

Jianzhong Oliveira

Location: Lagos , Nigeria
Company: Bosch Group
